
一些民眾看到車內這樣的景象,馬上打電話請警察來救援…太可惡了! 廣告1   雖然車外的溫度只到36度,但車內的溫度已經高達66度了!真的太恐怖了! There is little that saddens us more than seeing a dog in distress. Today, officers were called out to

June 22, 2015





There is little that saddens us more than seeing a dog in distress. Today, officers were called out to a parking lot where a customer spotted a dog locked in a car. While the dog’s owner was shopping inside the cool, air-conditioned store, her animal was suffering inside the sweltering hot vehicle. It’s 97 degrees outside! Although the front windows were cracked, officers show that the temperature inside the car was 150 degrees. This month, we have responded to numerous calls of dogs trapped in hot cars. We know that dog owners love their pets, and aren’t intentionally trying to harm them, but people must know that temperatures inside the car can soar to scorching heights within minutes. The heat is extra tough for dogs because they can only cool themselves by panting and sweating through their paw pads. Please help us spread the word to NEVER leave pets inside of a hot car, and know that we will always respond to help these animals when you call 9-1-1! ***UPDATE*** 6/17/2015 We felt that it was important to update this post to answer some of your questions about this video. At the time, there were two separate incidents of dogs left inside a hot car at the same location. In this video, the front window was down, but the elder dog was in the back seat and was getting overheated despite the window being down. The officers that were on scene called the Roswell Fire to respond when the dog was let out of the vehicle. The dog was cooled off with running water from a hose, and he was provided water to drink. The dog is doing well. The driver in this incident was charged with Cruelty to Animals. You may also view this story by going to 11Alive news link:

Posted by Roswell Police Department on Tuesday, June 16, 2015


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分類:世界, 動物
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