
今年10岁、体重却高达192公斤的印尼男童艾力亚 (Arya Permana) 是目前世界上最胖的小孩!   他无时无刻都很饿,一天最少都要吃五餐,包括白饭、鱼肉、牛肉、蔬菜汤、丹贝 (印尼发酵食品)。   妈妈罗凯亚 (Rokayah) 说,「他的食量非常大,一餐可以吃下两份成人的食物。

June 30, 2016

今年10岁、体重却高达192公斤的印尼男童艾力亚 (Arya Permana) 是目前世界上最胖的小孩!

A morbidly obese ten-year-old, who is reduced to wearing just a sarong as clothes do not fit him, has been put on a crash diet over fears he may die
他无时无刻都很饿,一天最少都要吃五餐,包括白饭、鱼肉、牛肉、蔬菜汤、丹贝 (印尼发酵食品)。


妈妈罗凯亚 (Rokayah) 说,「他的食量非常大,一餐可以吃下两份成人的食物。」(等于一天吃进正常人的10餐…)

Arya Permana (pictured with his mother), named the world's fattest child, weighs an eye-watering 192 kilograms and has been forced to wear just a sarong as normal clothes do not fit him



Arya's mother assists him to bathe in a small pool out the front of their home in Indonesia
 But by the time he turned two years old, Arya had gained weight at an abnormal rate for his age



Arya, from West Java Province in Indonesia, has dropped out of school as he can no longer walk



'My son is growing up at a rapid rate and I am worried for his health. I do not know any other way to stop him from gaining more weight than to give him less food,' his mother (pictured) said
Arya, the second son of Rokayah, 35, and her husband Ade Somantri, 45, a farmer, was born at home via natural birth and weighed a normal 3.2kilograms



Arya, from West Java Province in Indonesia, has dropped out of school as he can no longer walk and his mother Rokayah said he is 'perpetually hungry'
Arya's parents have decided to limit the amount the ten-year-old eats per day and he is now on a diet of just brown rice



Arya's parents have decided to limit the amount the ten-year-old eats per day and he is now on a diet of just brown rice



Arya, from West Java Province in Indonesia, has dropped out of school as he can no longer walk and his mother Rokayah said he is 'perpetually hungry'
'He is always tired and complains of shortness of breath. He only eats and sleeps and when he is not done with both, he jumps into the bathtub and stays there for hours,' his mother said



'I have insufficient money to buy food to fulfil his large appetite. I borrow money so that he can eat. Of course, I cannot keep him starving,' his mother said



'He has an enormous diet and can actually eat meals of two adults at one time,' his mother said


爸爸艾德 (Ade) 说:「医生建议如果希望让他接受药物治疗的话,最好去大一点、好一点的医院。」

Arya Permana, named the world's fattest child, weighs an eye-watering 192 kilograms and eats five meals a day consisting of rice, fish, beef, vegetable soup and Tempeh
「但我只是一名贫穷的农夫,每月赚100英镑 (约4签新台币),为了治疗他的过度肥胖已经快把钱花光了,我现在每天都在想办法让家里的收支平衡。」



'I have insufficient money to buy food to fulfil his large appetite. I borrow money so that he can eat. Of course, I cannot keep him starving,' his mother said
Rokayah and Ade took Arya to several doctors in their village in Cipurwasari in West Java, Indonesia, but surprisingly, doctors did not find anything abnormal about his alarming weight

来源:Daily Mail


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加入粉絲團! 这位印尼男童今年才10岁但「体重已经快破200公斤」!看到他的超扯下半身我才知道人类真的没有极限…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友