1. 菲爾普斯從7歲開始學游泳。
2. 他最先學的是仰式,因為怕頭埋在水裡。
3. 10歲締造美國100公尺國家記錄:1分8秒!
![And three years later he set a national record for his age group in the 100-meter fly.](http://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/57aec14f65ad9.jpg)
4. 2000年在雪梨奧運上成為美國最年輕的奧運男子游泳選手。
![In 2000, he became the youngest American male swimmer to compete in the Olympics in almost 70 years.](http://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/57aec15000fce.jpg)
5. 菲爾普斯雙手展開,手臂差距達203.2公分,比193公分身高還高!
6. 14碼的大腳(約30.5公分長),彎度超過正常人15度,柔軟性極好,彷彿天生穿著一雙蛙鞋!
7. 體能恢復超越常人。
![And he has a heightened ability to recover from physical exertion, which means racing multiple times in a day is NBD.](http://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/57aec1524be98.jpg)
8. 現任100公尺、200公尺蝶式世界紀錄保持人,生涯39次締造世界紀錄!
![He can swim 100 meters in less than 50 seconds.](http://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/57aec152cd7e7.jpg)
9. 史上最年輕,15歲便打破世界紀錄!
![At age 15, he became the youngest man to break a world record.](http://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/57aec15360188.jpg)
10. 27歲在2012倫敦奧運上,以19金締造奧運個人最多金紀錄。
![At age 27 he became the most decorated athlete in the history of the Olympics.](http://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/57aec153eb6aa.jpg)
11. 本屆奧運是他第五度參賽,累積生涯22金2銀2銅。
![And after he set that record, he broke it and set a new one.](http://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/57aec1549c7e5.jpg)
12. 他16至19歲在美國泳壇創下12項紀錄,至今無人能打破。
![He still holds national records for 12 different age-group events.](http://teepr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/57aec15539bbf.jpg)
13. 菲爾普斯備戰2008年北京奧運時,每周游泳訓練達8萬公尺。
14. 名列奧運最富有運動員第5名,身價高達5500萬美元(約17億台幣)!