
1. 英國當地時間4日晚上,23歲美國小天后亞莉安娜在恐攻後回到英國,舉行《愛在一起曼徹斯特 (One Love Manchester)》慈善演唱會,把超過1000萬英鎊 (約3.7億新台幣) 的善款捐給受害者家屬和紅十字會等等。   2. 在演唱途中,亞莉安娜數度哽咽,控制不住情緒,現場觀眾

June 6, 2017

1. 英國當地時間4日晚上,23歲美國小天后亞莉安娜在恐攻後回到英國,舉行《愛在一起曼徹斯特 (One Love Manchester)》慈善演唱會,把超過1000萬英鎊 (約3.7億新台幣) 的善款捐給受害者家屬和紅十字會等等。

Grande was overcome with emotion and had to pause during the song, which she dedicated to the people who died after a suicide bomber targeted her concert at the Manchester Arena on May 22


2. 在演唱途中,亞莉安娜數度哽咽,控制不住情緒,現場觀眾也跟著掉下淚水。

And fans of the star are calling for Grande to release Somewhere Over The Rainbow as a cover single to raise more funds for the victims


3. 場內有超過5萬名觀眾,一起以音樂為受害者和家屬打氣。

The 23-year-old sang the Israel Kamakawiwoʻole classic in front of 50,000 people at Old Trafford to end the One Love Manchester concert, which was organised to raise funds for the victims of the horrific terror attack, which killed 22 people last month


4. 不少名人跟網友曾批評她在恐攻後逃回美國,現在也馬上對她道歉。



5.  慈善演唱會有不少大咖歌手們助陣,包括麥莉·希拉,兩人演唱了《Don’t Dream It’s Over》。

Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus teamed to perform a stirring version of Crowded House's 'Don't Dream It's Over'


6. 3個小時的慈善演唱會讓在場人士都非常感動,撫平了人們創傷的心靈。

After performing with Miley Cyrus, Ariana dedicated her song 'Side to Side' to 15-year-old Olivia Campbell-Hardy


7. 亞莉安娜把《Side to Side》獻給在意外中身亡的15歲少女Olivia Campbell-Hardy。

Olivia Campbell-Hardy


8. 凱蒂佩芮穿上了印有罹難者照片、排成心形的白色裙子。


9. 小賈斯汀也在演唱時落淚,告訴人們要以愛對抗邪惡。


10. 1世代的奈爾·霍蘭在演唱會上表示,「當我看到你們上週聚集在一起,我覺得這是很美妙的事。我們愛你,我們跟你在一起。」

One Direction star Niall Horan performed his hit Slow Hands before dedicating song This Town to Manchester, saying: 'When I seen you guys all rallying together last week it was a sight to behold, it was incredible. 'We love you, we're with you'


11. 英國女子組合混合甜心也在助陣。

Little Mix performed their hit track Wings, dedicating it to fans and urging them to stay strong in the wake of the attacks


12. 連恩·蓋勒格的出現讓不少觀眾覺得非常驚喜。

Liam Gallagher made a surprise appearance at the concert, coming out on stage dressed in an orange parka to sing Oasis's 1994 hit Rock 'n' Roll Star in front of an I Love MCR backdrop


13. 在演出的最後,亞莉安娜演唱名曲《Over The Rainbow》,讓不少粉絲都哭成淚人。「請以慈善專輯推出《Over The Rainbow》!」


14. 「55000人團結。團結的聲音永遠都比分裂我們的聲音大。」


15. 「不同界別的音樂家也為曼徹斯特站出來。」



16. 亞莉安娜演唱的名曲《Over The Rainbow》:




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