上周,因為暴雨關係,美國德州南部大範圍淹水,洪水沖毀了無數家庭,造成數十個家庭流離失所。維娜 (Vannah Vercetti) 與其丈夫便是受洪水破壞家園的受害者之一。但是,受困的不只維娜及丈夫,還有他們心愛的小貓。
I have started a gofundme to help repair the hole in the floor we made to save Blanca, take her to the vet and also to secure the cat house for weather conditions such as heavy rain. Any help is greatly appreciated and we thank you with all our hearts! https://www.gofundme.com/cat-rescue-amp-home-repairs The flood trapped my cat Blanca under our house. We heard her crying for help. After several minutes of trying to get to her from outside, we realized the water was rising fast. My husband used a hammer to break through the floor board. Luckily, our cat had found an air pocket to keep her alive long enough for us to get to her. Sorry about my sobbing guys, I love my cats so much. A hole in the floor beats a hole in my heart. Losing a pet is unbearable but losing a pet to drowning? I just can’t! I’m so grateful for my hubby, he’s always my hero. https://www.gofundme.com/cat-rescue-amp-home-repairs
由 Vannah Vercetti 發佈於 2018年6月20日 星期三