
1. 蓮蓬頭省水裝置。   這裡買。   2. 能修補東西破損的油灰。   這裡買。 廣告1   3. 用來燉菜或煲湯超方便的慢燉鍋。   這裡買。   4. 這個能曬各種衣物用品的晾衣架。   這裡買。 廣告2   5. 蒸氣拖把。   這裡買。 廣告3   6. 比吉O刮鬍刀更便宜且好用的傳統刮鬍刀

January 28, 2017

1. 蓮蓬頭省水裝置。

A water-efficient shower head to keep those bills down.


2. 能修補東西破損的油灰。

Putty that will help you fix up things around the house with small wears and tears.


3. 用來燉菜或煲湯超方便的慢燉鍋。

A slow cooker to make preparing bulk meals easy and affordable.


4. 這個能曬各種衣物用品的晾衣架。

A rack so you don't have to run the dryer so frequently.


5. 蒸氣拖把。

A steam mop that will make you never want to spend money on Swiffer wipes again.


6. 比吉O刮鬍刀更便宜且好用的傳統刮鬍刀。

An old-school double edge razor that's cheaper (and works way better) than cartridge razors.


7. 能幫你省一大筆咖啡開銷的濾壓壺。



8. 這個比整台大烤箱更省電的迷你烤箱。

A NuWave oven for cooking a whole chicken without having to heat up a full-size oven.


9. 能遠端遙控關掉個別插孔電流,不讓沒在用的電器偷吃電力的多孔插座。

A smart surge protector to stop your devices from "vampiring" power.


10. 能讓食物保存更久不壞的真空機。

A FoodSaver to keep bulk foods safely frozen for months and months.


11. 內建濾嘴的瓶蓋,能讓你的水更好喝!



12. 能自動幫你的盆栽補充水分的氣球。

Handy water bulbs to gradually water your plants over time.


13. 能讓你倒著放,並擠出最後一滴沐浴產品的瓶蓋。



14. 能修復轉接線,還有各種功能的橡膠。

How To Fix Everything wth Sugru

Need something fixed? Get Sugru here: http://amzn.to/27HTQY5

Buy Me That 貼上了 2016年5月21日

這裡買 或 這個。


15. 能夠編寫調溫計畫的調溫器。

A programmable thermostat with proper scheduling that will save you money on your energy bill.


16. Kindle。

A Kindle to save cash on books (along with space in your bag).


17. 讓你省下衛生棉或棉條錢的月亮杯。

A Diva Cup that will stop you from ever having to buy pads or tampons again.


18. 能在你離開房間時自動關燈的開關。

And light switches that will automatically turn on or off when you enter or leave a room.




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