
敘利亞伊德利卜省 (Idlib) 日前發生化武沙林毒氣攻擊,導致87人死亡 (包括27名孩童),傷者及受毒氣影響健康者超過400人。     外界將矛頭指向敘利亞總統 Bashar Assad,譴責他對自己人民痛下毒手,但阿塞德卻對外透露,表示一切消息都是假新聞,呼籲大家不要採信。然而

April 14, 2017

敘利亞伊德利卜省 (Idlib) 日前發生化武沙林毒氣攻擊,導致87人死亡 (包括27名孩童),傷者及受毒氣影響健康者超過400人。

Assad said images of children allegedly killed as a result of last week's attack could be fake 
Analysis of blood and urine samples from the attack in the northwestern Idlib province proved the use of the gas, experts stated
外界將矛頭指向敘利亞總統 Bashar Assad,譴責他對自己人民痛下毒手,但阿塞德卻對外透露,表示一切消息都是假新聞,呼籲大家不要採信。然而,根據當地傳出的傷亡慘重照片,卻透露阿塞德滿口謊言。之前國外媒體RT就有抓到很多國際媒體,像是BBC、CNN等製造假新聞 (請看連結)。


這位絕望的父親 Abdul Hamid Youssef 抱著雙雙死於沙林毒氣中的雙胞胎兒女 Ahmed 與 Aiya。他在這次化武攻擊中失去20位家人,自己他也因暴露於化學物質而住院治療中。

Abdul Hamid al-Yousef, whose twins Ahmed and Aya were gassed to death is Syria last week, has lashed out at Bashar al-Assad after he said the attack was '100 per cent fabricated'


Abdul Hamid Youssef 對於 Assad 的謊言感到憤怒不已,「他怎麼能夠假裝我的孩子沒死?怎麼能夠?他們就那樣死在我的面前,我用自己的雙手親自埋了他們。」

Speaking exclusively to Mail Online, Mr al-Yousef said: 'How can Assad pretend that they are not dead? How? We saw them. We buried them with our own hands'
The distraught father also begged with world leader not to fall for the lies of Assad's 'criminal' regime, adding: 'He has lost touch with reality and lost his legitimacy'


美國總統川普聞訊震怒,6日下令發射59枚「戰斧巡弋飛彈」(Tomahawk missiles),轟炸敘利亞政府謝拉特空軍基地。

Syria Says US Airstrike Hit ISIS Poison Gas Supply And Killed Hundreds 1321 GettyImages 655932452
Syria Says US Airstrike Hit ISIS Poison Gas Supply And Killed Hundreds GettyImages 664343302


目前美國尚未針對此說法回應,外界也普遍認為這是 Assad (下) 為了模糊焦點、讓大家忽略上週化武攻擊所放出的假消息。

He hit out at US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who earlier this week claimed the Assad family 'reign' was coming to an end
Assad claimed his regime handed over all its chemical weapons stockpiles in 2013, and could not have carried out last week's attack



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