被拋棄狗狗「獨守收容所」苦等新主人 某天眼睜睜「看到前飼主」來領養別的狗狗!

祖祖(Zuzu)是一隻兩歲的德國牧羊犬,目前住在加州道尼動物照護中心(Downey Animal Care Center)。認識祖祖的人都說,她是一隻美麗、可愛又很棒的狗狗。     不過其實祖祖來到照護中心以前,曾經過得不快樂。根據一位待了七年的志工Desi表示,祖祖以前和狗爸爸一起生活,

November 30, 2016

祖祖(Zuzu)是一隻兩歲的德國牧羊犬,目前住在加州道尼動物照護中心(Downey Animal Care Center)。認識祖祖的人都說,她是一隻美麗、可愛又很棒的狗狗。

Zuzu is a 2-year-old German shepherd currently living at the Downey Animal Care Center in California. She is described by volunteers as "beautiful and loving" and "amazing."
However, Zuzu's road to the shelter wasn't a happy one. Zuzu had been living in a home with her biological father, but he died, according to a shelter volunteer named Desi.



Desi walked over to the family and asked if they had come to reclaim Zuzu. They said no: They were there to adopt a new dog instead of Zuzu.



Doing Dog Intros we got inurrupted by a distracted and overly excited Zuzu. With her fast wagging tail seeing her owners Zuzu lite up like a Christmas Tree. She looked like the happiest dog. Yeah, she’s going home. But No. Talking to her owners they told me they were not here to reclaim her, they were getting another dog. ? Zuzu’s father another GSD had just passed away and Zuzu was crying and heartbroken. She escaped her family’s yard and hopped the wall and got into her neighbors yard. The unhappy neighbor called Animal control and she ended up here. And her owners were going to let her stay here. Their reason was because she was crying and sad since her father passed away. She wasn’t a happy dog anymore. ? Their solutions for her unhappiness was just leaving her here! And go get another dog. Glad she’s here now. That’s not love for her. She was re-named Zuzu! After the daughter in the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. Why, because we are going to post, tag and share her and give her a New life. A wonderful life! Notes: She’s good with dogs and kids. We adore her. Her Shelter Me Profile will be up soon. Let’s give her a Wonderful Life! ? Let’s get her into the perfect home please. Zuzu #A5014556 Currently being cared for by Shelter Staff and Volunteers @ Downey Animal Care and Control 11258 Garfield Ave, Downey, CA 90242

Posted by Desi Lara on Sunday, November 27, 2016




Desi shared the video and Zuzu's story on her Facebook page, writing, "Let's get her into the perfect home please." Thousands of people shared and reacted to the video, many saying they couldn't believe she had been abandoned.



Desi said Zuzu is being taken in by a rescue organization, which will find her an "exceptional" home.



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分類:世界, 動物
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