
1. 22日晚上,亚莉安娜在曼彻斯特体育馆举行的演唱会遭恐袭。32岁妈妈Lizzie Murtagh和12岁女儿Olivia当时也在现场,两人皆被炸伤。   2. 日前,她们在《每日邮报》分享了受伤图片。「那时就好像电影一样,不像真的。我只记得我在尖叫『天呀』,感觉好不真实。」现职教

May 24, 2017

1. 22日晚上,亚莉安娜在曼彻斯特体育馆举行的演唱会遭恐袭。32岁妈妈Lizzie Murtagh和12岁女儿Olivia当时也在现场,两人皆被炸伤。

Teaching assistant Lizzie Murtagh, 32, was at the event with her daughter Olivia, 12


2. 日前,她们在《每日邮报》分享了受伤图片。「那时就好像电影一样,不像真的。我只记得我在尖叫『天呀』,感觉好不真实。」现职教学助手的妈妈表示。



3. 从照片可见,炸弹造成很深的伤口,撕裂了她们的皮肤,更有碎片卡在肉里。


4. 当时两人正在离开体育馆,「地板在晃动,我前面的女人浴血倒在地上。把我吓坏的是,如果爆炸提前5秒发生,我们就已经死了。」她说。

Olivia, 12, is pictured in hospital where medics cleaned up her wounds


5. 爆炸碎片穿过她们的衣服:

The shrapnel from the explosive device also tore pieces through their clothing


6. 母亲表示,两人正在步出体育馆时,非常巨大的爆炸声响起,一道白光闪过。「我从来没有听过这样疯狂的声音,炸弹的碎片就如火一样,非常可怕。」她说。

Teaching assistant Lizzie Murtagh told MailOnline: 'It was like a film, it felt like when you watch it on the telly - it did not seem real. I just remember screaming 'oh my god', it didn't feel real.'


7. 她们正在接受治疗,母亲的腿上有一个爆炸造成的洞。

The pair's injuries were treated by doctors in A&E although Lizzie says she still has a hole in her leg


8. 「前面有人倒在地上,所以我拉着女儿的手,拼命跑出去,因为不知道会不会有其他炸弹爆发。」她说。

The mother and daughter were among hundreds injured when a bomb went off at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester


9. 「每个人都在跑下楼梯,周围有数百个人。我上了一台计程车回家,车上还有另外3个女生。」

The shrapnel tore holes in the pair's clothing during the horror blast and left blood stains


10. 「当我们上车后,才发现炸弹的碎片穿过衣服,造成多个伤口,但我不知道自己被打中了,我感觉不到。」

Lizzie said of the injuries, pictured: 'It was ripped but I didn't even know I'd been hit - I didn't feel it with the adrenaline'


11. 「在计程车上,我发现我的牛仔裤破了一个大洞,女儿则说她的背部很痛,感觉很热。」

She took this picture during the Ariana Grande concert in the hours before the horror blast


12. 「当我看她的背部时,发现她有一块很大的瘀伤,我也看到自己的腿上有一个洞,就好像被钉子打中一样。」

Lizzie, left, is pictured with her daughter Olivia, right, in the days before attending the concert at Manchester Arena


13. 「我跟女儿说我们很幸运,但她不明白。我很难过,很多孩子开心地来看演唱会,但再也无法回家。他们只是去看偶像,没有人会想的到。」

Lizzie says her daughter Olivia, 12, pictured, seems to be unaware of the true scale of the attack and is in shock



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